To foster the science and the art of soil, water, and related natural resource management to achieve sustainability.
Professional Committees
Chapter Development and Administration
Seeks potential sources of funding, e.g., grants and sponsorships for financing Chapter projects, activities, scholarships, and programs.
Seeks potential investment opportunities for Chapter monies.
Monitors Chapter administrative functions and makes recommendations for improvements.
Ensures a strategic planning function is carried out, including monitoring, reviewing, and revising as appropriate.
Prepares annual and long-range work plans for the Council/Chapter based on the objectives and goals of the strategic plan.
Ensures a nomination and election process is carried out for new Council directors annually, in accordance with Section 5.05 of these By-Laws.
Manages the Hoosier Chapter Endowment Fund and recommends to the Council those activities which will benefit the fund.
Monitors Chapter dues structure. meeting costs, and other income/expenditures and makes recommendations on changes to the Council as needed.
Works with the Administrative Secretary and other committee chairpersons to prepare a proposed budget for the Council's consideration and approval prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.
Ensures By-Laws are current and available to all members.
Manages the Hoosier Chapter Scholarship Fund and recommends to the Council those persons who should be granted scholarships by the Chapter in accordance with Section 9.02 of these By-Laws.
Develops and maintains Chapter officer and committee chairperson job descriptions.
Ensures training of new Chapter officers and committee chairpersons.
Legislation, Public Policy and Public Affairs
Formulates processes for policy and resolutions development.
Develops strategies to increase visibility relative to soil and water and related resources policy issues.
Establishes and maintains relations with state and national legislative bodies.
Establishes alliances with other groups/ organizations as appropriate.
Plans for lobbying efforts.
Recommends to the Council the level of Chapter involvement in the development of position statements, lobbying efforts, etc. of other organizations.
Provides advice and counsel to the Chapter president in public appearances.
Provides advice and counsel to Council on level of Chapter involvement in legislative affairs.
Develops a process for member input into policy, position statements and legislative issues.
Provides leadership to public affairs activities and campaigns in conjunction with the Public Information and Education Committee.
Membership Growth and Involvement
Promotes membership in the Chapter.
Recommends to the Council those members who merit advancement and are well qualified to serve as national and/or Chapter SWCS officers/committee members and with the concurrence of the Council, initiates the required procedures.
Ensures a newsletter is prepared and distributed to all members at least two times per car
Increases the Chapter's visibility with all relevant state and federal agencies, organizations, societies, and groups.
Researches and/or surveys the professional needs of members and presents findings to the Council
Develops and implements strategic actions to increase membership and member involvement through Chapter activities.
Makes recommendations to the Council and committees on methods to retain, strengthen, motivate, and involve Chapter members.
Recommends members, nonmembers and organizations to the Council for Chapter and Society awards.
Ensures a process for soliciting nominations of individuals and groups for national and Chapter awards is carried out.
Ensures proper recognition of Chapter award winners.
Ensures Chapter liaisons are appointed by the Council for established and potential Student Chapters.
Monitors Student Chapter activities and provides training, support and/or guidance to the Student Chapter liaison(s) as requested by the Council
Establishes and maintains an informal mentoring program for new Chapter members.
Assigns mentors to new members of the Chapter upon request.
Assigns mentors to student attendees at the Chapter annual meeting and follows up on success stories.
Professional Development
Arranges for programs at all annual and special meetings of the Chapter.
Monitors existing meeting structure to ensure adequate training for members and nonmembers.
Makes recommendations on training and related activities for members in conjunction with the Membership Growth and Involvement Committee.
Provides and encourages certification opportunities, e.g., Certified Professional of Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), Certified Crop Advisor, etc.
Recommends potential training for members and program/workshop topics based on strategic plans and anticipated national, regional and state natural resources priorities and trends.
Ensures that the Chapter stays abreast of new technology, agency authorities, and other issues affecting natural resources conservation in Indiana
Advises the Council on potential Chapter involvement and activities in agricultural and urban conservation efforts.
Public Information and Education
Coordinates the educational and outreach activities of the Chapter.
Promotes and plans for joint educational efforts with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Indiana's T-by-2000 Program, Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Indiana District Employee Association (IDEA), IDNR, Division of Soil Conservation, Cooperative Extension Service, and others as appropriate.
Makes recommendations to the Chapter Development and Administration Committee regarding the need for, and/or likely sources of, funding for educational activities.
Develops and/or carries out a marketing plan for the Chapter.
Establishes and maintains relat10ns with appropriate media.
Ensures adequate media coverage of Chapter activities.
Sponsors or co-sponsors conservation education programs for facilitators and those who train educators.
Promotes the sale of conservation education materials, including booklets and activity guides to Soil and Water Conservation Districts, conservation educators, and others.
Develops and implements public affairs activities and campaigns (exhibits, forums, letter writing, marketing, etc.) in conjunction with the Legislation, Public Policy, and Public Affairs Committee.