To foster the science and the art of soil, water, and related natural resource management to achieve sustainability.
Please note the 2024 scholarship deadline has passed.
The scholarship program is intended to encourage qualified students to increase their interest in conservation, to obtain technical competence in some area of conservation, and to pursue a career in this area of endeavor.
The Soil and Water Conservation Society is a nonprofit, scientific and educational association. The Society advocates the protection, enhancement, and wise use of soil, water, and related natural resources. Through education and example, we promote an ethic that recognizes the interdependence of people and the environment.
One scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded. Recognition of scholarship recipient and presentation of award will be made at the annual meeting of the Chapter held in November.
A scholarship selection committee, composed of members of the Hoosier Chapter Soil and Water Conservation Society, will make the selection of winners based on financial need, scholastic achievement, career objectives, and demonstrated leadership in student activities. No Hoosier Chapter member may serve on the scholarship selection committee if related to any scholarship applicant.
An applicant for the scholarship must (a) have successfully completed at least one years of study in an Indiana accredited college by August 2023, (b) have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (on 4.0 scale), (c) be an undergraduate or graduate enrolled in an agricultural or natural resource conservation related curriculum, and (d) be working toward his/her first B.S./M.S. degree.
Scholarship applicants will be enrolled in such major courses of study as agronomy, biology, engineering, soil science, wildlife management, forestry, geography, and environmental management. Other courses of study related to conservation may also qualify. Previous recipients are not eligible for a second Hoosier Chapter scholarship.
Applications for the scholarship may be emailed or sent by regular mail, and must be received by the scholarship selection committee chair, or postmarked.